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Ramble More

Ramble More was founded by Timothy Goldkin with the intention of marrying fine art and commercial art. With a background in printmaking and alternative photographic processes, Timothy has innovated the historical cyanotype process into a larger format using photographic negatives as a base. His time spent with graffiti artists across the country has led him to expand upon the uses of the traditional wheat-paste process to create beautiful and unique pieces. Timothy has a passion for altering spaces through the creation of massive wall pieces that are impactful, boundary-pushing, and completely unique.



The artist’s experiences living out of a backpack as he traveled across the United States via freight train, hitch hiking, sailing and rubber tramping have inspired him to produce work that situates the viewer in a sense of place, a state of adventure, and a feeling of freedom. He believes in the power of history, interpersonal connection, and the kinship between person and place, as a means for collective growth and transcendence of the digitization that often consumes much of our everyday attention. Ramble More’s designs are influenced by both a love of travel and a reverence of home.

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 Instagram @ramblemoredesign